October 2021 Fun Book Activities and Curriculum
Group 1
Safety First for Homemade Toys
When making your own toys, it’s important to keep safety in the front of your mind. A good checklist to follow is: Size of homemade baby toys: A general rule is the smaller the child, the bigger the toy. If the toy can fit into a film canister, or it has removable parts that can, then it is not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Surface on homemade baby toys: Babies put everything in their mouths and can be easily poisoned if a toy is made from, or coated in, a toxic material. Check out paint and adhesive labels before use. You should also make sure the surface is smooth, with no sharp edges or corners. Strings: Make sure any strings or ribbons are not long enough to get wrapped around baby and cut off baby’s circulation. Also make sure they are firmly attached to the toy. Supervision of babies with toys: Did we mention babies put everything in their mouths? It’s important to remember any homemade toy can potentially cause choking – no matter how well you’ve made it. If anyone can pull it apart, your baby can! Keep an eye on baby at all times. Other Books to Enjoy
Activities for Babies: Exploring Sound
Senses: Children under the age of three explore and learn through their senses. To support development across all areas, use the following activities to engage and excite your baby or toddler.
Group 2
Other Llama Books Your Might Enjoy
Talk to your child while reading this book about colors. Specifically, the color red. Look around your house with your child and find items that are the color red. From their branch out to other colors. You also can talk about Llamas. What are they? Maybe even talk about other animals and the sounds they make.
Maybe even try to do rhyming words. Even young children love to hear you talk and share language with them. Acting Out a Story
Acting out a story is a common activity in classrooms around the world. There is no reason little ones can't join in too though. Little llama is quite active in this book and wee ones will have fun joining in. Jump on the bed. Stomp on the floor. Hide behind covers. You can even discuss how to be patient and things you can do while waiting. Shadow Puppets
Has your child ever said they are scared of the dark? You can discuss the fear and emphasize how safe they really are, but that doesn't always work. Coming up with fun activities you can do in the dark is one thing that is suggested to combat that fear. How about shadow puppets? If you aren't great with your hands, try cutting out familiar shapes and getting kids to guess what they are based only on the shadow they see cast on the wall.
Sing-A-Long with Llama Llama
Download Other Activities and Games at Activities - Anna Dewdney’s Llama Llama (llamallamabook.com) including:
Group 3
Cereal Necklace
Rainbow Art Items you will need:
Mixing Colors
What you need: 1 Gallon Ziplock bag Tape 2 Primary Colors of Paint Small toys, crayons, or other items Directions:
There is so much you can do with your child developing skills with colors. Gather items of different colors from around your house. Have your child put all the same-colored objects in a pile. Or play I Spy “I spy with my little eye something red” Then your child tells you things they see that are red until they guess the right object. Other Books to Read about Colors
Songs About Colors
Group 4
Sharing and Taking Turns
Teaching toddlers and preschools the importance of sharing and taking turns is an important skill. Learning to take turns and share is difficult for almost all young children. Sharing and taking turns is a learned skill, and adults need to be patient and model sharing for their child. Mix and Match Eggs
Number of Participants: Two to ten What You Need: Assorted plastic eggs Directions
How It Teaches Sharing: Children will learn they need help from others to complete the task. You can't make a blue egg in this activity without another person sharing their blue half with you. One of the benefits of sharing is helping each other reach a goal. |
Goose's friends love the stories he makes up when they're playing. Except one thing - Goose is always the hero. And when they ask to take turns leading the fun, Goose doesn't agree. While they argue about it, no one notices the hungry wolf sneaking up on them until he shouts, "Hello, Lunch!"
This real-life danger shows Goose how silly he's been and that his friends make terrific heroes! Other Fun Reads about Sharing
Simple Ways to Teach Children to Share:
Group 5
Create and Paint a House
You Will Need: Small and jumbo craft sticks (plain wood, not colored) Glue Sturdy poster board or paper Paint and brushes Directions:
Out and About
Animal Homes
Teaching children about animals homes allows them to build their vocabulary and understand why we need to respect nature. |
Children Love to Build
Your child can build with blocks, Legos and wood unit blocks. But in reality, children can build with anything. Recycled materials such as cereal boxes and plastic containers can make great building materials. Use your imagination, you can build with anything. Have fun with your child and look around your home and see what you can use to build together. Paper Bag House
Materials needed: Brown lunch bags Glue sticks or glue Arts and craft materials (yarn, sequins, felt, construction paper) Scissors Markers and crayons Newspaper Directions:
Act out the Story
You Will Need: 3 Stuffed Bears and a Doll or Make Puppets Using the stuffed animals, the doll or puppets, act out the story. This is a great way for your child to use their imagination. Other Books To Enjoy
Group 6
Other Books About Rocks
Rocks and Roll
Create your own NOT BORING STORY.
Get a rock.
Making a Volcano
Things You’ll Need For Volcano Experiment For Kids: