Learn the Signs. Act Early.
From birth to 5 years, children should reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act and move. Parents can track their child’s development and act early if they have a concern.
Research shows that the earlier developmental delays are identified, and interventions are put into place, the better the outcomes. Parents are key to monitoring their child's progress and, as their child's first teachers, introduce and encourage their child's developmental growth. Yet, many parents are not sure what milestones their child should be reaching when or how to help them. |
Learn the Signs, Act Early
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has released Learn the Signs, Act Early, to help parents and caregivers better understand the importance of developmental milestones and downloadable tools to help.
Concerned About Your Child’s Development? Act Early. You know your child best. Don’t wait. If your child is not meeting one or more milestones, has lost skills he or she once had, or you have other concerns, act early. Talk with your child’s doctor, share your concerns, and ask about developmental screening. If you or the doctor are still concerned:
Allegany County Early Intervention
585-268-9698 |
Steuben County Early Intervention
607-664-2146 |