Allegany County's Heroin and Opioid Ad-Hoc Committee Strategic Sharpening Session
Please register online below or contact Becky Nelson at Ardent Solutions, Inc., at 585-593-5223
Date: Thursday, October 26, 2017
Time: 1:00-4:00p.m.
Location: Crossroads Commerce and Conference Center, Route 19N (North of Exit 30, I-86), Belmont, New York 14813
1:00p.m. Networking and Light Refreshments
1:30p.m. Welcome- Legislator Judy Hopkins, District 1
1:45p.m. A Regional Perspective and Response to the Heroin and Opioid Crisis
2:45p.m. Allegany County Semi-Annual Report and Strategic Sharpening Exercise
Time: 1:00-4:00p.m.
Location: Crossroads Commerce and Conference Center, Route 19N (North of Exit 30, I-86), Belmont, New York 14813
1:00p.m. Networking and Light Refreshments
1:30p.m. Welcome- Legislator Judy Hopkins, District 1
1:45p.m. A Regional Perspective and Response to the Heroin and Opioid Crisis
2:45p.m. Allegany County Semi-Annual Report and Strategic Sharpening Exercise
Distinguished Speakers

Dr. Gale Burstein, MD, MPH, FAAP, is the Erie County Commissioner of Health and a Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the State University of New York’s School Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo. She holds a B.S. degree in Mathematics and Biology from Union College in Schenectady, NY; received her Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree from State University of New York’s (SUNY) School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Buffalo; and gained her Masters in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, focusing on Maternal and Child Health. In addition, she is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine.
In 1999, Dr. Burstein’s public health career continued at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, where she served as a Medical Officer, conducting research and writing policy on adolescent sexual health care.A Western New York native, upon her return to the area in 2005, she served in various roles at the Erie County Department of Health, including as the STD Clinic, TB Clinic and Epidemiology and Surveillance program Medical Director.
Dr. Burstein was appointed the Erie County Commissioner of Health in 2012. Her current focus is on developing strategies to change healthcare providers’ narcotics prescribing practices to prevent opioid addiction in Erie County. She also oversees a groundbreaking program that has significantly increased the availability of naloxone—to both first responders and community members—in order to prevent opioid overdose deaths. Between mid-2014 to mid-2015, well over 1,000 Western New York first responders were trained by the Erie County Department of Health to recognize signs of an opioid overdose and in the use of intranasal naloxone to prevent fatal opioid overdoses.
In 1999, Dr. Burstein’s public health career continued at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, where she served as a Medical Officer, conducting research and writing policy on adolescent sexual health care.A Western New York native, upon her return to the area in 2005, she served in various roles at the Erie County Department of Health, including as the STD Clinic, TB Clinic and Epidemiology and Surveillance program Medical Director.
Dr. Burstein was appointed the Erie County Commissioner of Health in 2012. Her current focus is on developing strategies to change healthcare providers’ narcotics prescribing practices to prevent opioid addiction in Erie County. She also oversees a groundbreaking program that has significantly increased the availability of naloxone—to both first responders and community members—in order to prevent opioid overdose deaths. Between mid-2014 to mid-2015, well over 1,000 Western New York first responders were trained by the Erie County Department of Health to recognize signs of an opioid overdose and in the use of intranasal naloxone to prevent fatal opioid overdoses.

Mark Poloncarz, Esq., was sworn in as Erie County Executive in 2012. In this role, he opened the Erie County Health Mall, a collaboration of various health partners to provide essential medical, dental, behavioral health and education services to under-served county residents.
Executive Poloncarz has also released “Initiatives for a Stronger Community,” his health and human services plan for Erie County, and “Initiatives for a Smart Economy,” which represents his administration’s approach to a comprehensive, innovative approach to economic development.
At the beginning of 2016 Executive Poloncarz ordered the creation of the Erie County Opioid Epidemic Task Force, which joined together local treatment agencies, physicians, first responders, and local experts to prepare a comprehensive plan to address the opioid epidemic. Executive Poloncarz served on the joint National Association of Counties-League of Cities Task Force which issued a major report of recommendations which has become a national model.
Executive Poloncarz has also released “Initiatives for a Stronger Community,” his health and human services plan for Erie County, and “Initiatives for a Smart Economy,” which represents his administration’s approach to a comprehensive, innovative approach to economic development.
At the beginning of 2016 Executive Poloncarz ordered the creation of the Erie County Opioid Epidemic Task Force, which joined together local treatment agencies, physicians, first responders, and local experts to prepare a comprehensive plan to address the opioid epidemic. Executive Poloncarz served on the joint National Association of Counties-League of Cities Task Force which issued a major report of recommendations which has become a national model.